Weekly Reading | Poetry and Science Fiction

I’ve decided to start a new series on my blog where I share what I’ve been reading in the past week. While I already write “wrap-up” posts, these posts will be different because my intentions are to talk more about what I’m feeling as I read them or as I just finish them, rather than sharing a straightforward review.

This week I’m reading Not That Bad by Roxane Gay, Take Me With You by Andrea Gibson, and Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne.

Not That Bad by Roxane Gay


Not That Bad is a collection of essays edited by Roxane Gay (HungerBad Feminist) about rape culture. Since the whole #MeToo movement has started we’ve been seeing so many more stories in media about rape, sexual harassment, sexism, etc. and Roxane has collected these essays to share with her readers how these issues have affected different women from all walks of life.


I’ve only read a little so far, but it’s definitely something worth reading. A lot of the time we may not understand where someone is coming from and reading something like this really opens our minds to other’s stories.

I’ve never actually read an entire book from Roxane Gay (only excerpts) but I really admire her as a human being. She’s the coolest.

Take Me With You by Andrea Gibson


Take Me With You is a tiny little collection of poetry. I’m not huge into poetry (but I really want to be), so this small book is really great to get a little bit more in my life.

I’m trying to only read a few pages a day because it’s just so short, so mainly I read it out and about. Which I actually have been loving. Maybe I should always just carry around a small book of poetry to devour in the in-between moments.

Here’s one that’s stuck out to me so far:

I visited a men’s prison and

when I was leaving, the snow

started falling on the barbed-

wire fence and I looked back

to see if there were faces

watching it from the windows.

But there were no windows.

Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne


Brightly Burning is a retelling of Jane Eyre but in space. Confession time: I’ve never read Jane Eyre! Gah, I know! One day…

However, I LOVE stories that take place in space (any Firefly fans out there?) so I thought it would be a cute way to be introduced to the story.

Since I haven’t read Jane Eyre I can’t say if it’s anyway like it, but I thought it was a really fun and dark romance and I loved the sci-fi aspect. I wasn’t bored at all when reading either, which is pretty great, because YA sci-fi can take a while to build up.

I’m also learning something about myself… I don’t like series. I prefer standalones.

And that is my weekly reading. Next time I’ll share anything else that popped up throughout the week.

Happy Reading!





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